Valid input:

(((tags:"Superman Activity") AND (tags:("Source - Drainage Pipes" OR "Source - Time Travel" OR "Source - Alien Transmissions" OR "Source - Ghosts" OR "Source - Gossip" OR "Source - MenInHats")) AND tags:"Customer - World Government") OR ((tags:"Spiderman Activity") AND (tags:("Source - Drainage Pipes" OR "Source Type - Fashion Magazines" OR "Source Type - Social Media" OR "Source - MenInHats" OR "Source - Flashpoint" OR "Source - Ghosts")) AND ((meta.tlp_color:(RED OR AMBER) AND tags:"Customer - World Government") OR meta.tlp_color:(WHITE OR GREEN))) OR ((tags:"Batman Activity") AND (tags:("Source - Drainage Pipes" OR "Source Type - Fashion Magazines" OR "Source Type - Social Media" OR "Source - Gossip" OR "Source - Ghosts")) AND ((meta.tlp_color:(RED OR AMBER) AND tags:"Customer - World Government") OR meta.tlp_color:(WHITE OR GREEN))) OR ((tags:"Theme - Financial Crime") AND (tags:("Source - Drainage Pipes" OR "Source - MenInHats" OR "Source - Gossip" OR "Source Type - Fashion Magazines" OR "Source Type - Social Media" OR "Source - Ghosts")) AND ((meta.tlp_color:(RED OR AMBER) AND tags:"Customer - World Government") OR meta.tlp_color:(WHITE OR GREEN))) OR ((tags:"Jocker Activity") AND (tags:("Source - Drainage Pipes" OR "Source Type - Fashion Magazines" OR "Source Type - Social Media" OR "Source - MenInHats" OR "Source - Gossip" OR "Source - Ghosts")) AND ((meta.tlp_color:(RED OR AMBER) AND tags:"Customer - World Government") OR meta.tlp_color:(WHITE OR GREEN))) OR ((tags:"Random Activity") AND (tags:("Source - Drainage Pipes" OR "Source Type - Fashion Magazines" OR "Source Type - Social Media" OR "Source - Time Travel" OR "Source - Alien Transmissions" OR "Source - Ghosts" OR "Source - Gossip" OR "Source - MenInHats")) AND ((meta.tlp_color:(RED OR AMBER) AND tags:"Customer - World Government") OR meta.tlp_color:(WHITE OR GREEN)))) AND (data.type:report AND tags:"BigBoss - Reviewed" AND created_at:[2018-06-06 TO *]) AND (-some_number:68 OR some_value:/joh?n(ath[oa]n)/) AND (some:(+>123 AND +<=123) AND age:<=123 AND some:{123 TO *} AND count:[1 TO 5}) AND (simple:foo~ OR some:"fox quick"~5 OR other:something\ word~11) AND meta.estimated_start_time:[now-1w/d+9h TO now/d+9h]


Invalid input:

meta.estimated_start_time:[now-1w/d+9h TO now/d+9h] AND Blah.(?? tags:“Funky Tag” AND data.type:cookies-receipt
